Tuesday 3 October 2017

When Shit Happens

My publisher is stressing the fuck out of me.
I have heartburn.
I hate waiting for feedback; it sucks balls. Especially when it's causing a delay I can do nothing about.
So I'm sitting here, tapping my heels, waiting for Pronoun to sort themselves out, wondering if I should postpone the release date, wondering if I should tell you about it, getting heartburn.
But I did promise didn't I? I promised to tell you what it's really like in this here publishing streets and so I gotta tell you, I'm stressed the fuck out waiting for Elissa to email me and tell me that I'm sorted.
She's late, they're supposed to answer within 48 hours.
48 hours have passed.
So I'm supposed to launch today and I can't because I'm not ready.
Pray for my stomach lining.

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